02-10-2021 tot 09-10-2021 / Tipschijf / Crisie Isbell – Battle Scars
Written by DJ Dennis on 2 oktober 2021
Crisie Isbell – Battle Scars
Crisie Isbell
Battle Scars
Country United States
Label Sky Tone Entertainment LLC
Facebook www.facebook.com/CrisieIsbell78
Website www.crisieisbellmusic.com
“Battle Scars” The debut album from Crisie Isbell. Artist: Crisie Isbell Producer: Frank Thomas Green All Songs written by: Frank Thomas Green and Crisie Meagan Isbell Label: SkyTone Entertainment Performers/Musicians Crisie Isbell: Vocals, Backing Vocals Frank Thomas Green: Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Keyboards, Organ Backing Vocals, Horn Section Arrangements Jeff King: Electric Guitars Bruce Bouton: Steel Guitar (Howlin At The Moon)
I’m so proud of this album! I will be performing it live in Birmingham, Al ….details to come!
FThis is behind the scenes of my album cover Photo shoot! Tammy Hawkins is such an amazing artist she is always saving the day for me! She did such a great job making these scars on my back! We are planning a big live, filmed concert in Bham …details coming soon! I can’t wait to sing my album to all of you live! Please follow me on Spotify and download my album at crisieisbell.hearnow.com thanks!!!